Sunday 10 June 2012

YSL lip stain

STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING! And head over to and purchase the YSL glossy lip stain!
I had read a few blog posts about it and heard a couple of youtube gurus rave about it, but to be perfectly honest I wasn't that excited about it. I've had problems with lip stains before and found that they don't wear very well and they tend to be rather drying.
But after trying it last night from a friend who is in love with the product I have came to the informed conclusion that it is fab!

I'ts such a good consistency and feels like lip gloss, but it lasts forever! I put it on around half past ten last night and my lips still felt glossy and colourful at half one in the morning! I love it ! I love it! I love it!
If you don't buy it then it will be a lose to your make-up bag! My fav shade and the one I am just about to purchase is 06. :)

1 comment:

  1. I want to try this SO bad! The coral colour is sooo pretty!

    The Urban Umbrella

