Saturday 22 September 2012


I have severly neglected my blog, and for that I am truely sorry!
Let me fill you in ...
I have recently started back at uni, have been on a wonderful trip to Paris and as of late have been feeling rather under the weather! So with being so busy my online attendance has been rather crappy.

Paris was absolutely fantastic! I completely fell in love with the place and it has made me atleast a million times more excited to move there in January! I loved the slower pace of life, beautiful buildings and yummy food, and not to mention seeing my lovely friend Amy (who I am missing dearly).
Spam you with my Paris pictures? I hear you say!
Well if you insist!

This is us at an Eco fashion show :)

Me outside the arc de triomphe

On top of the arc de triomphe

And drinking unidentified shots, bought for us by an unidentified person

Now I am back home, feeling better and in the swing of things with Uni, I will hopefully be better at posting more regularly!
Au revoir mes amis
Until next time